During these two next weeks I will be finishing the book To Kill A Mockingbird written by Harper Lee. The book uses the characters to explore and tell a story about the civil right and racism in the Southern part of the United States of America in the 1930's.
The reason i chose this book was because of the theme. I have a very high interest in human rights and how people are treated in this world to this day today. The main reason why I chose this book is because I had heard about it, a lot. To Kill A Mockingbird have gotten very good and many reviews, from friends, but also important papers such as the Guardian. "What ever happens, it will never stop being a good book and it will never stop inspiring good people".
The way that I read is I use an audiobook. The audiobook that I use, I found on Audible.com. While I listen to the audiobook, I read the book at the same time. Because the language is a little hard, I can understand the plot a lot better.
I look forward to finishing the book, and telling you more about it along the way.
Good choice of book Divora! This is the magic of literature, to be able to experience another time, and to feel what people may have felt 70 years ago. Make sure that you always try to put this story in perspective with what is going on in the USA now, with these black boys victims of white police officers.